Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Project PsyPhINe: Cogitamus ergo sumus

Participant : Amine Boumaza.

This project is financed for two years by the MSH Lorraine (USR3261) gathering researchers from the following institutes: , InterPsy (EA 4432), APEMAC, EPSaM (EA4360), Archives Henri-Poincaré (UMR7117), Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Loria (UMR7503). Refer to sec. 7.1.1 for further information.

AME Satelor

Participants : François Charpillet, Xuan Son Nguyen, Thomas Moinel, Mélanie Lelaure.

Economic mobilisation agency in Lorraine has launched a new project Satelor providing it with 2.5 million Euros of funding over 3 years, out of an estimated total of 4.7 million. The leader of the project is Pharmagest-Diatelic. Pharmagest, in Nancy, is the French leader in computer systems for pharmacies, with a 43.5 % share of the market, 9,800 clients and more than 700 employees. Recently, the Pharmagest Group expanded its activities into e-health and the development of telemedicine applications. The Satelor project will accompany the partners of the project in developing services for maintaining safely elderly people with loss of autonomy at home or people with a chronic illness. Larsen team will play an important role for bringing some research results such as:

  • developing a low cost environmental sensor for monitoring the daily activities of elderly people at home

  • developing a low cost sensor for fall detection

  • developing a low cost companion robot able to interact with people and monitoring their activities while detecting emergency situations.

  • developing a general toolbox for data-fusion: Bayesian approach.